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Terms and conditions of used equipment sales

99Our aim is never to mislead a customer regarding the purchase of a used machine from us, therefore, we have outlined below a few terms and conditions regarding the sale / purchase of a used machine.

  1. All prices quoted for the used machines will always be subject to VAT at the current rate.
  2. Delivery for the used machine is not included in the price and will be extra unless stated.
  3. We will only reserve a used machine when asked to do so and we will request that a deposit of 10% be provided at the time the request is made. This deposit will not be refunded. We will only hold a used machine for 7 days unless otherwise agreed by the sales team.
  4. When an order for a used machine is placed we will request a deposit  of 10% if the machine is not delivered or collected immediately. This deposit will not be refunded.
  5. If we accept a deposit and we wish to renege on the deal the deposit will re refunded in full.
  6. The images displayed on the website will be of the used machine for sale unless otherwise stated.
  7. The used machine will not be collected or delivered unless payment is made in full.
  8. We will never knowingly offer a used machine with mechanical damage or performance issues unless otherwise stated.
  9. Please download our Used machine Warranty statement for our terms and conditions of warranty regarding used equipment.

If you have any queries regarding the above terms or require additional information please do not hesitate to contact us.

Updated 9th October 2014