All posts by Sharon Davies

Lamma Show 2018

See us at Lamma Show on January 17th and 18th at Peterborough show ground.

Stand No 840; Hall 8

We’ll be exhibiting the Swedish Creosoted Octoposts that come with a 25 year guarantee and the Logosol B751 and Farmer chainsaw mill.

Opens 7am and closes 5pm.

Free Entry and shuttle bus from parking zone.

Please see show layout below

Lamma Show website

An Invitation

An invitation…

We are very pleased to inform you that, after many months of preparation, POTTINGER UK, in conjunction with Aberystwyth University, Genus & Volac have been awarded European Regional Development Funding by the Welsh Assembly to carry out a practical study into cutting the losses during silage harvesting.

You are invited to the launch event which will be aimed at those producing silage in Wales with a FREE SIT DOWN BREAKFAST on offer at the Welsh Winter Fair on Tuesday 28th November at 8.30am. Please respond as soon as possible to register to attend. 

Please can you notify by Friday 24th November if you wish to attend.

Please note: The invitation doesn’t include free entry to the show.

Click here to download the invitation

Logosol launch their latest band sawmill

Logosol launch new band sawmill – Best in its class

Loposol B751 5 year warranty
Logosol B751 band saw mill (8)
Logosol B751 band saw mill (6)
Logosol B751 band saw mill (5)
Logosol B751 band saw mill (4)
Logosol B751 band saw mill (3)
Logosol B751 band saw mill (2)
Logosol B751 band saw mill (1)
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In its standard configuration, the Logosol B751 has a sawing length of 4.8 metres. This sawmill can manage logs of large diameters, up to 75 cm in diameter. With the fixed steps for depth of cut, you can easily set the sawmill to the desired board dimensions, quickly and accurately every time. You get a rigid and extremely functional band sawmill that is best in its class when it comes to sawing.  find out more here….

New Range of petrol powered woodchipper from Timberwolf

Timberwolf Petrol chipper range – power and progress

Timberwolf TW 230PAHB a
Timberwolf TW230PWHB WOODCHIPPER (1)
Timberwolf TW 280PHB working a
Timberwolf TW280PHB Tate Modern-1
Timberwolf Shard
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Impending changes to engine legislation will affect many machines regularly used by arborists, landscapers, and estate managers, including chippers. An ongoing legislation programme to limit emissions from diesel engines, is progressing with the next step coming into force on 1st January 2019.

Current diesel engines can continue to be used after this date to power existing equipment, but only Stage V diesel, or alternative fuelled engines, can be supplied on new machines.

The new extended Timberwolf petrol range builds on the equivalent market leading diesel-powered wood chipper series, and offers all the features that industry professionals demand from this essential tool in their armoury. Discover the new models below or view the entire petrol range here


Based on the hugely successful TW230DHB, this chipper will be the cheapest option but thanks to the 37hp power engine performance will not be compromised.

  • Engine: 37HP B&S Vanguard V Twin Petrol Engine
  • Maximum capacity: 230mm x 160mm
  • Throughput: Up to 5 Tonnes per hour
  • Weight: 695Kg



Based on the hugely successful TW230DHB, this chipper will perform like no other petrol powered woodchipper in its class.

  • Engine: 32.5HP Kubota WG972 water cooled Petrol Engine
  • Maximum capacity: 230mm x 160mm
  • Throughput: Up to 5 Tonnes per hour
  • Weight: 726Kg

Read more….


The design and performance is the same at the TW280TDHB and has an outstanding performance.

  • Engine: Kubota 57HP WG1605 4 Cyl. petrol engine
  • Maximum capacity: 280mm x 210mm
  • Throughput: Up to 6.5 Tonnes per hour
  • Weight: 1193Kg

Read more….

Farming Connect – Woodland Management Event & Demo

How Woodland Management can improve the farm business

Date: Tuesday, 18 July 2017

From: 11am – 3.00pm

Cost: Free

Event address:  Cilwrgi Farm,  Prescoed, Usk. NP4 0TQ.

Directions to this event

Join Farming Connect with Timber sector specialists and Manager Richard Gough at Cilwrgi Farm, Prescoed, Usk for an opportunity to see woodland management in action and discuss how it can contribute to improving environmental and economic aspects of the farm business.

  • Demonstration of woodland management techniques and logistics of managing farm woodland.
  • Felling licence legislation rules and regulations.
  • How can I secure a timber supply for the future and increase farm income? Do I need a business plan?
  • In order to have direct access to technical advice through the Advisory Service the individual attending must be registered as a business partner or authorised individual with Farming Connect and Rural Payments Wales in Welsh Government.

We’ll have a selection of woodland machinery to view from Timberwolf, Logosol, Hakki Pilke, Albutt, Kellfri. Some may be demonstrated at the event.

Please book for the event by contacting: Geraint Jones – 07398 178 698 /


Kellfri stockists

We are delighted to announce that we have been appointed agents for the Swedish manufacturer, Kellfri AB.

Kellfri manufacture a very large range of machinery for the agricultural, equestrian and forestry sectors including the following machinery for :

  • Forestry trailers
  • Firewood
  • Snow & Ice clearing
  • Bale handling
  • Trailers
  • Feeders
  • ATV Equipment
  • Pallet handling

We stock a selection of machinery from ATV flail mowers, ATV forestry trailer and cranes, ATV tipping trailers to tractor mounted log grabs